These are exciting times for our client Viking Plastics in Corry, PA. Expansion, mergers, new products… but that’s not why we made the 2-hour trek from Buffalo.
At Viking Plastics, each day is packed with exciting new ideas about how to make their operation more efficient with time and money-saving improvements.
Best of all, these ideas come from the employees themselves.
Inspired by the Paul Akers book “2 Second Lean”, Viking Plastics asked us to help create a series of “2-second Lean” videos that describe their lean manufacturing and distribution operations. So we brought our cameras into their plant and offices to talk to some of the employees about their ideas and document on video how the company puts those ideas into practice.
We learned that even the simplest ideas make a difference and that, by offering their 2 Second Lean solutions, the employees feel they’re an important part of Viking Plastics’ success. It might be setting up a more efficient work station. Or a way to automate a tedious manual process. Creating a more streamlined work flow. Or reorganizing storage space. The bottom line is: their ideas save money, save time and eliminate waste.
Not everyone’s a natural in front of the camera. But most employees are eager to share their ideas, and everyone did a fantastic job explaining their improvements… on this trip, five in all!
Our videographer Eric Tuberdyke is a natural behind the camera, directing and shooting each employee describing their improvements, and getting shots of them in action.
So thanks to all who participated in this program and to Shana at Viking Plastics for setting it all up. We’re happy to partner with you to share your “2 Second Lean” improvements and are already looking forward to the next trip down!